
最初的 冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全(关怀)法案 was a package of over $2 trillion intended to provide relief from the public health 以及COVID-19的经济影响. 该法案载有专门的条款 to provide relief for higher education institutions and their students, beginning 2020年春季学期,并在2021年春季之前获得奖学金.   

第二个基金, 冠状病毒应对和救济补充拨款(CRRSA)法案第三基金; 美国救援计划(ARP)法案, were provided for subsequent academic years of 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, as the pandemic 继续.   

看到 关怀奖励标准.






Eligible expenses include expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials (including any required software), online expenses (internet, phone, other), technology (laptop, tablet), health care, and child care, related to COVID-19大流行.  


How much was allocated to “大学 for direct assistance to Chabot students?

  • 关怀——2,078,420美元 
  • crsa - $2,078,420 
  • Arp - $8,355,343 



  • 关怀-符合条件的Chabot学生获得500美元的资助. 
  • CRRSA - Eligible Chabot students received awards based on their official Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 2021-22 FAFSA or CADAA, and disbursed prorated amounts 基于招生.
  • ARP - Eligible Chabot students received awards based on their official Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) from the 2021-2022 or 2022-23 FAFSA or CADAA, and disbursed prorated 基于注册的金额.



The 在乎 Act provides institutions with significant discretion on how to award this 向学生提供紧急援助. 每个机构可以发展自己的系统和 process for determining how to allocate these 基金 while recognizing the only statutory requirement, which is that the emergency student grants be used to cover student expenses 与冠状病毒导致校园运营中断有关.  


  • Need-based grants awarded according to institution-specific criteria that include 佩尔资格和其他由教育部概述的因素. 
  • Students at risk of being unable to continue their education due to coronavirus-related 中断.
  • 查伯特学院或本区的入学历史


Are t在这里 students who are ineligible to receive funding under the 在乎, CRRSA or ARP项目?

  • 关怀基金只适用于美国学生.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
  • For the CRRSA and ARP 基金, students must have demonstrated successful completion 学院或学区至少十二(12)个单位供考虑.



  • 在乎 Act, CRRSA and ARP fund disbursements to students will be processed through 经济援助奖励制度.
  • The 基金 must go from the school directly to the student, and the student can then use their grant to cover coronavirus-related expenses, including to pay outstanding 机构费用.
  • 这些资金将直接存入学生账户 具备BankMobile账户的学生
  • 没有BankMobile账户的学生 will need to set up an electronic money transfer which will allow BankMobile to transfer 资金自动转到您指定的银行.
  • 请参阅设置的访问说明  



  • In general, the 基金 must go from the school directly to the student, and the student 然后可以使用他们的赠款来支付与冠状病毒相关的费用吗. 
  • 在乎 基金 specifically did not allow the college to pay outstanding charges on the 学生的帐户,即使学校有学生的许可这样做. 
  • CRRSA and ARP 基金 allow the college to pay outstanding charges with the student’s 允许或授权这样做. 符合条件的学生将收到一封电子邮件 personal emails and ZoneMail with an invitation to participate in this program during 2022年春季学期. 这个项目只考虑优秀的机构 charges from Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021 and Fall 2021.  该计划的资金不会直接支付给学生,但只有 会否适用于尚未缴付的费用.



  • 你可能已经收到 来自BankMobile的一两封邮件 directing you to update your payment preferences regarding emergency financial aid 作为《韦德1946网站》的一部分. We want you to know that was a legitimate message and is not part of a phishing attempt 由BankMobile.  
  • Chabot partners with BankMobile as a safe, fast, reliable way for students to receive 基金(我.e. 助学金发放). 
  • 学院 will utilize BankMobile as the primary way to disburse 在乎/ Higher Education 紧急救济基金(HEERF)资助学生. 如果您目前没有帐户, we encourage you to set one up in the event Chabot needs to transmit money to you. 
  • 请登入查询您的退款偏好 re基金election.com 在“退款”下,选择“退款偏好”. 
  • An email received from BankMobile does not imply a student will receive 在乎/HEERF 基金. BankMobile的意图是好的,建议学生更新 their BankMobile account in the event that they were approved for 在乎/HEERF 基金. 


在乎, CRRSA或ARP基金是经济援助计划的一部分吗?

No, 在乎, CRRSA or ARP 基金 are not calculated as part of a student's financial 援助计划.



  • No, Emergency financial aid grants under 在乎, CRRSA or ARP are for unexpected expenses, unmet financial need, or expenses related to the disruption of campus operations on account of COVID-19大流行, such as unexpected expenses for food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, or childcare, and are qualified disaster relief 根据《韦德1946网站》第139条支付的款项. 此补助金不包括在内 在总收入中. 
  • 看到 国税局规定 获取更多信息和税务指导.



  • Yes, schools are required to issue 1098-T forms to students receiving 在乎, CRRSA 或ARP紧急拨款,应出现在方框5中. 
  • 看到 国税局规定 获取更多信息和税务指导. 


I received an emergency financial aid grant under the 在乎 Act and used some of it to pay for course materials that are now required for online learning because my college 或者大学校园关闭了.  我可以申请扣减学费吗 cost of these materials, or treat the cost of these materials as a qualifying education expense for purposes of claiming the American Opportunity 信贷 or the Lifetime 学习 信贷?

Because the emergency financial aid grant is not includible 在总收入中, you cannot claim any deduction or credit for expenses paid with the grant including the tuition and fees deduction, the American Opportunity 信贷, or the Lifetime 学习 信贷. 见《韦德1946网站》第139(h)条. 


What emergency relief 基金 are available for undocumented or international students?

  • 在你.S. 教育部规定的原始关怀法案紧急基金, 无证或国际学生没有资格获得在乎奖. 学院 was able to help many students with emergency support, through the Friends of Chabot 基金会. 基金会为目前入学的学生维持这些资金 with emergency needs, including food, shelter, educational expenses, and other needs. 
  • CRRSA and ARP 基金 do allow for awards to undocumented or international students, 由学院自行决定.



Students with questions related to the 在乎 Act funding can contact the Chabot Financial 通过电子邮件联系援助办公室 cc-finaid@jinguangyuan.net 从您安全的ZoneMail电子邮件帐户或找到我们远程工作 在这里.